Skin and Hair
Acne is the problem of nearly all teens. All of us go through the acne phase, although some suffer longer and more severely than others.
Acne treatment is different for boys and girls.
Causes of Acne
Pimples are caused when oil ducts in the skin get plugged up and then burst, causing redness and swelling. Although there are many myths about acne, the following are the three main factors that cause it.
1. Hormones
At beginning of puberty, certain hormones, called androgens, increase in both males and females. These hormones trigger oil ducts on the face, back, and upper chest to begin producing oil. This can cause acne in some people.
2. Heredity
If other members of family had acne as teenagers, there may be a chance that the teen may inherit a tendency toward getting acne as well.
3. Plugged oil ducts
If the teen is prone to acne, the cells that line the oil ducts in the skin tend to get larger and produce more oil, and the ducts get plugged. This traps the oil and leads to the formation of blackheads or whiteheads.
The plugged ducts allow germs in the skin to multiply and produce chemicals that cause redness and swelling. This is why simple blackheads and whiteheads may turn red and bumpy and turn into the pimples of acne.
What makes acne worse?
- Pinching (or “popping”) pimples, which forces oil from the oil ducts into the surrounding normal skin, causing redness and swelling.
- Harsh scrubbing, which irritates the skin.
- Things that rub on the skin, such as headbands, hats, hair, and chin straps, which also cause irritation.
- makeup, such as creams and oily hair products, which can block oil ducts and aggravate acne.
- For young women, changes in hormone levels brought on by menstrual periods
- Emotional stress and nervous tension.
Treating acne
There are treatments, which can generally keep acne under control. Please consult your pediatrician.
Important things to remember
Be patient. It takes 3 to 6 weeks to see any improvement. Give each treatment enough time to work.
Be faithful. Follow your program every day. Don’t stop and start each time your skin changes. Remember, Sometimes your skin may appear to worsen early in the program before you begin to see improvement.
Follow directions. Not using the treatment as directed is the most common reason the treatment fails.
Don’t use medication prescribed for someone else. This holds true for all medications, Doctors prescribe medication specifically for particular patients. What’s good for a friend may be harmful for you.
Don’t overdo it. Too much scrubbing makes skin worse.
Taunts may lead to emotional stress , depression and body image disturbance.