Gynec Problems

With the onset of menstruation , a teenager will have the same gynecological problems that an adult woman could have. Here are some potential warning signs and conditions to consider.Girls typically start menstruating between the ages of 11 to 14 and it is completely normal to have somewhat abnormal periods during the first two years of menstruation. If your daughter is younger than 11 and is experiencing vaginal or uterine bleeding, or is over the age of 15 and hasn’t started menstruating yet, see your healthcare provider.

Common problems include :

  • Severe Menstrual Cramps or Heavy Bleedingdysmenorhea
  • Severe menstrual cramps, chronic pelvic pain and/or heavy menstrual bleeding that causes a teen to miss school or change her lifestyle is not normal and you need to visit your doctor.
  • Yeast Infectionsin young women, even in girls as young as 10 or 11, are very common. A girl does not have to be sexually active to contract a yeast infection. The most notable symptoms are itchiness in the vaginal area, a white “curdy” or thick discharge, soreness, a burning sensation during urination, and/or a rash. While there are several over-the-counter treatments now available, your daughter should see a healthcare provider the first time she experiences these systems to confirm that it is indeed a yeast infection — versus some other condition. It is important to use the right treatment option.
  • delayed puberty- by 15yrs – need to be investigated
  • primary amenorrhea,
  • abnormal uterine bleeding,
  • Premenstrual syndrome.
  • Oligomenorrhoea (decreased menstrual bleeding) – due to emotional stress, acute weight loss, excessive exercise, hyperprolactinoma, hypothyroidism.
  • PMS (premenstrual syndrome) There are somatic & psychological complaints – bloating, breast tenderness,food cravings, wt gain, mood swings
  • PCOS – presents with Type 2 DM, wt gain , pigmentation around neck, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, USG shows poly cystic ovaries.Leads to psychological problems-depression/ anxiety/ body dissatisfaction/decreased self esteem.
  • Reproductive tract infection in 15-24yrs of age, both upper and lower RTI.RTI in adolescents can occur if  sexual relations are unplanned, sporadic, related to pressure, coercion, force, may start sexual activity before they achieve skill of self protection or before access to preventive services.
  • Adolescent girls are vulnerable due to immaturity of Cervix and decreased protective antibodies leading to infections and higher incidence of HIV.
  • Special problems – poor menstrual hygiene, medical and psychological brunt.
  • Long term sequelae leads to chronic pelvic pain, infertility, ectopic pregnancy.